In this episode of the Anchored Podcast we get to talk to Jacob Loafman! Jacob has been named one of Rangefinders 30 Rising photographers in the world in 2016 and is extremely creative in his work. In this discussion, we talked about the difference between his personal and client work along with many other topics. We talked about how his personal projects provide him an escape from the real world. His motto when shooting, especially during weddings, is “everywhere is awesome”. He is very bold in his work and doesn’t bother scouting locations. He loves the challenge of being able to create anywhere and this mindset allows him to experiment and have fun while shooting.
We also talked about asking yourself the importance of photographers knowing why and who they are shooting for. Often times people obsess over impressing other photographers when they should be focusing on their clients. One of the other main topics we focused on was social media and the photography community as a whole. This was an excellent episode and we talked about some very insightful topics. Hope you enjoy this episode!
Here’s the show notes from the episode!
His Website:
Buy His Presets:
His Workshops:
Favorite Music:
Also, here are the photos from his “What the gram” segment!