What Photographers can do to grow During COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) or ANY Down Time!


Photographers, this is CRAZZZZYYY, right!
But that doesn’t mean that your business has to struggle because of it.
Here are some ideas that I think could really benefit you all during this time of uncertainty and perhaps, quarantine. I am not a big inspirational guy that will tell you that everyone
Our natural tendencies as humans is to fight or flight. It will be easy to given in, but we can’t give up. We need to fight for our families, fight for our businesses, and fight for our passions!
Also, this is your business and your life; I don’t judge whatever option you use to keep your business alive. I do HIGHLY suggest you continue to operate your business with integrity because, at the end of the day, all you have is your name!

Although I will be talking about growing your business during this epidemic, this will apply for growing your business during ANY hard time!

Here is the facebook live I did on it in my facebook group, which is PACKED full of information and an incredible community. But you can also read a lot of the points below!



If you are financially struggling, things to look into, and a mix of all 3 could really benefit a lot of you. ALL of you SHOULD do # 2 and #3!:

Here are scenarios I suggest depending on your situation

  • If you have NO money and none coming in. Get a small business loan, BUDGET it and then save it using Profit First
  • If you have SOME money, use every dollar and then allocate those remaining funds using PROFIT FIRST
  • If you have money and inquiries coming in, Allocate your funds for paying yourself, then  savings and Budget the rest well!

Also, remember, the tax deadline has been pushed another 90 days!

Also, Diversifying your income sources is HUGE here! This can be done in multiple ways:

  • Selling contracts, Presets, Questionnaires, Etc..
  • Investing in stocks, bonds, etc..
  • Do other forms of photography, including; headshots, brand, portraits, boudoir, family, etc..
  • Create social media content for brands and local businesses
  • Paying down debt (this puts money BACK INTO YOUR POCKET)
  • Upselling your current clients

Client communication

CURRENT Client communications is KEY here! You have to make sure you are serving your clients and staying ahead of the conversation. The more they know you care for and value them during these hard times is extremely important! Here are some suggestions we have for things to mention your policies and your procedures moving forward.

  • Sessions
    • Your procedures for rescheduling and cancellations.
    • Rules and guidelines DURING sessions if they continue
    • Locations that are off-limits due to population
  • Travel
    • What limits you have and levels of comfortability
    • Following CDC & Government Recommendations
    • I told them If they were interested, I would share recent travel locations if I had traveled
  • Health
    • Being transparent and open, from both sides about your health
  • Rescheduling
    • Whatever your policy is on this, you want to share it. If you are willing to reschedule, let them know what you are willing to do to accommodate rescheduling. Also, let them know what you will not do as well.
  • Refunds
    • It is very important that you mention your contract and what it says about non-refundable retainers. Make sure you say RETAINER in your contract. In some states, the word “deposit” doesn’t allow you to keep the money.
    • Honeybook has an amazing resource on some more things to do as well!

Growing Your Business & Making Money

Although it may seem like our business is slowing down, people and their lives aren’t. I saw 3 people get engaged, TODAY! Life is still happening, and people are always going to get married and have weddings.
Some ways to grow your business and some videos that may be able to help!
Here is a Facebook Live in did on 6 things to do to Grow your business during the off-season

Invest in your BUSINESS!

Investing in your business doesn’t always have to be monetary. Investing in your knowledge through education is going to be one of the greatest things you can do. You will win if you bet on yourself and your hard work. You have to be willing to put in the work to learn from people and grow, now is the time.

Below I have a BUNCH of free videos to help, just follow the links. I also have a Podcast FULL of information

I also have my Masterclass where I literally teach EVERYTHING I know and how my photography business brings in 500K per year.

Reading will also be a HUGE part of making your business grow, here are some of my favorite books!

Creating a Marketing Strategy & Social Media

  • Instagram Strategy to REALLY get clients and grow your business!
  • Running Ads
    • DIVE In and learn how to do Facebook ads.
      • This will be HUGE for you. The more you learn about Facebook, the more confident you will be at CRUSHING it and bringing in leads. A large volume of people that use Facebook ads don’t really know much about ads and will most likely stop running them if they feel like they aren’t working. During this time, people don’t have “experimental funds” to spend on ads; it’s time for those who know how to do them to DIVE IN!
  • Run an Engagement Session giveaway
    • This is a great way to be able to give some joy to people in a crazy time. You can get your name out there, and you can really create some buzz around your brand!


Vendor relationships are going to be HUGEEEE during this time and season. You need to continue to invest in those relationships during this time. Check-in with them to see how they are doing and show that you really care. After all, you are in the same industry and your struggles are very similar. To be able to go through this time with them and show that you legitimately care will go a long way. But please, don’t leverage this catastrophe for your gain. People are hurting and just need to know they aren’t alone. Your support can go a LONG way!

Running Print Sales

  • This is a really easy way to make money. Email your list of brides and let them know you are doing this.
  • Create a facebook group for your brides so that you can do this easily and have instant access to this. This will also create an incredible community.

Keep Creating Content

  • This is a great time to be able to create content. Most people aren’t working so that gives you A LOT of time to team up with people and create some content or shoots. Social distancing is real and you should do it, but if you are VERY SURE that the person you are with doesn’t have the virus, this could be a great time to go out and create some content to post! Do that shoot with a friend, or couple that you have been dying to do. Just PLEASE make sure you are very careful and limit your exposure.
  • This is also a really great to continue to hone your craft. As you do so you will grow as a photographer and it will separate you from the rest of the pack! Here is a video I have composition. You can take some of these tips and practice getting better!

Do some House Cleaning

It’s time to clean up certain aspects of your business, organize things and just as cars need maintenance, do some maintenance to make sure your business runs smoothly. You can’t expect to grow if you don’t have the infrastructure for growth. Now is the time to dive in and make sure you are ready when the time comes back.

There are a couple of different ways to do this.


I hope this is helpful! There are a lot of things that can be said about this, but if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Join my facebook group and ask away, it’s an incredible community and I answer just about every single question asked!



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