Avoid Wedding Day Disaster With These 3 Timeline Rules


Planning out your wedding day HAS to start with this one magical little thing called: the TIMELINE!

I know this isn’t the most exciting part of wedding planning, but it is the ONE thing that can make or break your wedding photography!

Putting together a timeline with your photographer and wedding coordinator will ensure your day runs smoothly, and that you won’t have any last minute stress! Here are our Top 3 Timeline Rules to follow for avoiding disaster on the big day.

Bride and Groom

1. Build 10-Minute Cushions into Your Timeline

Build in an extra 10 minutes here and there into your timeline. This will leave room in case anything goes wrong- like a button falling off your dress, or if you’d like to have a few extra moments to yourself after reading a letter from your fiancé. You’ll be able to handle these moments without feeling rushed!

Bridal Party Praying

2. Delegate Last-Minute Tasks

A guest calls you because they’re lost? Hand the phone to someone else.

The caterer needs early access to the venue? Ask your coordinator to handle it.

These types of situations are where your coordinator comes in. It’s inevitable that last-minute things are going to pop up, so now is the time to hand these things off to someone else so you can enjoy your day! Delegating these tasks will also ensure that you can stick to your timeline and not fall behind schedule.



3. Do a First Look

Honestly, we cannot recommend this tip enough! Doing a first look is becoming more and more common, and here’s why: you get 40% more portraits. You’re investing a lot into your wedding photography, and with a first look, you’ll receive 40% MORE portraits of the two of you… and those are the images you will decorate your home with! With a first look, you make the most out of this large investment and get the most for your money.

Not only do you get more portraits, a first look can also extend your day by 3 hours. Normally the wedding day would start when you come down the aisle, then the ceremony would end, you would rush through portraits so that you’re not late for the introductions, and then it’s reception time. With a first look, your wedding day is extended by almost 3 hours! Instead of being rushed for your bridal party portraits… you actually get to enjoy them and have fun hanging out with your BEST friends on your wedding day.


First Look

Bride and Groom First Look

Beech Mountain First Look

Groom First Look


If you are taking a DIY approach to planning your timeline, here are some more tips on and a sample template from WeddingWire:

A Wedding Day Timeline Template and Rules to Follow


Now that you have these 3 tips for building your timeline, we know you’ll absolutely crush it and have a smooth-sailing wedding day! Cheers!

Want more wedding tips and advice? Check out our other blog posts:

Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Engagement Sessions

4 Tips for Wedding Dress Shopping


Until Next Time,

The A&V Family


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