The Art of Marketing and Motherhood with Tonie Christine

Anchored Podcast

On this week’s episode of The Anchored Podcast we have the pleasure of talking to Tonie Christine! The first time we met her we instantly bonded because she is so passionate about things she cares about, as you’ll hear in the episode. We talk about everything from her “type of bride” to marketing tips and being a mother.

Tonie’s coined phrase is that her bride is “the bride who blazes her own trail” and we have fun diving into the meaning behind that saying. Her ideal bride is someone who is not afraid of logistics and is willing to be daring and spontaneous. She tells the story of how a breakup and a workshop eventually led to her working for herself full-time and how her income doubled in just four months. She explains she is a “Jesus lover” first, a wife second, a mom third and a business woman fourth and how all of these roles play into her business.

One of the things Tonie is extremely passionate about is marketing and that comes through in this conversation. She explains the importance of using different channels of marketing than other people and not putting all of your effort into one platform. She also discusses some of the teaching materials she has available to take your marketing to the next level. All in all this was another fantastic episode of the podcast! Hope you enjoy!

Here’s the show notes from the episode:

Her Website:
Blaze Online (Business Consulting):
Her Shop:

Also, here’s the pictures from her What The Gram segment!


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