Food, Comes in all shapes, sizes and tastes. Some people like to eat a little, some like to eat a lot. I personally, like to play with my food, then eat a lot of it. So it got me thinking.
One night as Kathryn was making dinner, I saw that all that was in the pot was Pasta and Broccoli, so I asked “where is the meat?” And she responded with “not every dish has to have meat in it.” To which I replied “yes…. yes it does”. This picture reminded me of that moment!
Because it seems like no one in the world can go a meal without taking a picture of it and posting it on twitter, facebook or instagram.
Chuck Norris…
Being a broke college student, this statement is 100% correct.
And Ron Swanson, because he is my hero.
Jim Gaffigan is the king of talking about food in his stand up acts!